Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effect of Single Parent Families to Children - 3515 Words

CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY A family is often pictured by many with two parents. But for some their family composes of only one. Doug Hewitt (2010), an eHow Contributor said that Single-parents families are defined as households in which there is at least one child under the age of 18 and there is only one parent in the household because of divorce, death or because the parent never married. Moreover, Cox (1984) emphasized that the largest percentage of single-parent families result from divorce followed by death of a parent. According to Medina (2005) there are different types of a single-parent family. First is the widow or widower and children which is caused by a death of spouse where the surviving spouse did not†¦show more content†¦Divorced families present a greater risk for children with depression or other serious psychiatric disorders to develop. Spencer (1982) said in his book entitled Foundations of Modern Technology that children are more likely to die of coronary h eart disease in later years if they had lost one or both parents before entering college. According to Traci S Campbell (2010) education of children can also be affected she said that children that are raised in a single parent household have lower grades than those who are raised in a home with both parents. This can be in a home where the child has always been raised by one parent or in homes where a divorce or separation has recently taken place. Studies also show children raised in a single parent household are less likely to go to college or take steps to continue their education. There are also a higher percentage of drop outs that were raised in a single family home. Time spent with a single parent during the formative preschool years seems to have particularly bad effects on a boys education, according to Sheila Fitzgerald Krein and Andrea H. Beller of the school of human resources and family studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana. The report in Demography, the journal of the Population Association of America, said that many studies have focused on the psychological consequences for children in one-parentShow MoreRelatedSingle Parent Families Put Many Mental Effects on their Children1058 Words   |  5 PagesS. Census Bureau, claimed that out of 12.2 million single parent families in 2012, more than 80% were single mother parents. For a long time, there are many children that have grown up in a single-parent home. Kids who are raised by one parent seems almost impossible to them but have become more common in today’s society. 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